Monday, November 14, 2016

Ghana 2016

We are headed to Ghana - Today!

Jim Levernier, Chalmers Valentine, and myself are traveling to Ghana.  Our journey takes us to Atlanta (Minneapolis in Jim's case), Amsterdam (the 3 of us meet in Amsterdam), and then onto Accra arriving about 8:00 pm tomorrow (Tuesday) night.

The purpose of our trip is: 1) follow up trip to Kibi College of Education, where we installed a Living Waters for the World (LWW) water system last year; 2) visit the teachers college in Akropong where we will install a LWW water system next year; and 3) meetings with the Presbyterian Church of Ghana where we will be planning for a LWW Clean Water U instructor training session in 2017 (look for a future post on this topic).

Jim & I started planning this trip several months ago and we were able to "convince" Chalmers to come with us...actually not much convincing as she has been wanting to come with us for a couple of years now.

Shari & Forrest Gross, who have traveled with Jim and me the past couple of trips, are "sitting this trip out" in hopes of getting a LWW CWU instructor training session set up for 2017.  We will miss them.

As in previous blogs, I have created links on the right side panel for you to understand previous trips, LWW, and Idlewild Church.

Kibi College of Education

Promise to post often - so stay tuned.

BTW - Blogger has changed on me, so be patient as I understand how to use the new features and forget the old ones....

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