Friday, November 18, 2016

LWW Ghana Network Meeting

We were back at Abokobi this morning to have a LWW Ghana Network meeting.  The network leadership team is comprised of: Jim, Rev Asante, REv Kofi Amfo-Oknor, Rev Josh Heikula, Michael, Charles, Rev Daniel Opong-Wereko (was not able to attend) and myself.

Also in attendance today was: operators from Kibi & Abokobi, administrator from Akropong PUC, senior leader from EPC (Evangelical Presbyterian Church), chairperson from Kwaho Presby, and Chalmers.

It's important that we meet face-to-face when we are here as it helps to continue to build the relationships, set direction for resources, and so forth.  We met for about 3.5 hours and covered a broad range of topics:

Read out of 1st year follow up at Kibi;
Plan to retro fit sediment filters in legacy sites to a sediment filter that can be sourced in Ghana (been testing it a Kibi for a year now and all good);
Plan to retro fit Ozone systems with UV as Ozonators fail and/or existing supply of parts runs out.  Ozonators are not available in Ghana and this time, but UV is very prevelant in Ghana.
Brief review of all legacy systems - problems, volume, leadership, opportunities, etc. (Jim lead this and it was really good);
Review of future installation pipeline;
Clean Water U Instructor Training discussion and action items;

Rev Asante did a great job of organizing the meeting and working collectively on the agenda topics.

Great meeting!

1 comment:

  1. Steve, congratulations to you, Chalmers and Jim on a successful trip! Look forward to learning more.
